Animalarium-Artist Residency
We are choreographers Lena Kimming, Liv Schellander and Alexandra Wingate and call our collaboration and body of works “Animalarium”.
In a seemingly endless flow of ambiguity of species, sensuous fields and climatic countdowns, our artistic practice examines the relationship between bodies and screens, and humans and other animals. It navigates the threshold of offscreen and onscreen narratives, pulling the spectator’s gaze between reality and illusion.
During our residency at Scenstudion Gerlesborg we will deep dive into a relational performative practice and develop the format for our upcoming work: our choreographic sketch, created during a production residency at Riksteatern Stockholm, will culminate in a dance film installation with a multitude of screens set in nature. In summer 2024 this final work, embedded in a performative live practice, will be showcased at Ställbergs gruva immersed in the mine's particular environment. Further presentations will take place at 3e Våningen Göteborg and Gerlesborg, Västra Götalandsregion
The residency is supported by ACT OUT, a project of the IG Freie Theaterarbeit, funded by the BMEIA. The project is supported by Ställbergs Gruva, 3:e Våningen and Västra Götalandsregionen.